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Online Groups

Online Peer Support Groups

LiveWell support groups are strategically designed to educate, inspire, and empower you to take control of your own depression and mental health self-care.


In a supportive community of peers, learn research-based skills and strategies for reducing symptoms and relapses of depression, and for living a more meaningful, connected, and productive life.


No registration or waiting lists 

The peer-led mental health movement that's making a difference

What you need to know before joining a group

  • All groups are free and confidential.  No insurance, diagnosis or registration required.

  • Groups are open to all people ages 19+.  Teens can join an online group here. ā€‹ā€‹ā€‹

  • To find out if any LiveWell group is right for you, read our FAQ's here.

  • Please respect our no observer policy. No family, friends, students, providers, etc. 

  • Latecomers: We can guarantee entry for up to 15 minutes after start time.

  • To join a group, either click on the zoom links below or join by phone.ā€‹ā€‹

  • All support groups are led by trained peer facilitators; and we do not provide clinical or medical advice.ā€‹

  • We do not provide emergency mental health support.  If you are in crisis or afraid of hurting yourself, call or text 988; or go to the nearest emergency room.ā€‹ā€‹

Weekly Schedule

All groups are listed on U.S./Eastern Standard Time
Click here to compare your local time zone to Eastern Standard Time


12pm EST:  Seniors Group (Ages 65+)

Zoom meeting ID: 85429654149

This 75-minute support group is led by senior peers. Learn new skills for better managing your moods, reducing symptoms and relapses of depression, and increasing wellbeing in the senior phase of life. 

7:30pm EST:  LiveWell Strategy Group  (All adults welcome!)

Zoom meeting ID: 86852319640

This approximately 75-minute support group includes a LiveWell Strategy related discussion and reflection. Learn new skills for better managing your moods, reducing symptoms and relapses of depression, and increasing wellbeing in a supportive group of peers who "really get it."


12:00pm EST:  LiveWell Wisdom Group  (All adults welcome!)

Zoom meeting ID: 84196136815

In this 60-minute support group, we apply wisdom from diverse sources - such as psychologists, philosophers, poets, and peers - to our own depression treatment and mental health self-care. Led by the founder of the LiveWell Program® and other peer facilitators.


7pm EST: Teens Group

Click Here to join group.

7:30pm EST: LiveWell Strategy Group  (All adults welcome!)

Zoom meeting ID: 845157121826

This approximately 75-minute support group includes a LiveWell Strategy related discussion and reflection. Learn new skills for better managing your moods, reducing symptoms and relapses of depression, and increasing wellbeing in a supportive group of peers who "really get it."


7pm EST: Physicians Group

Click Here to join group.

7pm EST: LiveWell Recovery Group  (Depression & Addictive Behaviors)

Zoom meeting ID: 83124264968


Each approximately 75-minute support group follows a similar structure: a brief exploration of how one of the ten LiveWell Strategies can benefit your own recovery and ongoing mental health self-care, followed by a relevant group discussion or skill-building activity. Share weekly successes and challenges with supportive peers.  This group is open to people with lived experience of depression and substance use or other addictive behaviors only.

7:30pm EST: LiveWell Español (Adultos: depresión y la salud mental) 


Zoom meeting ID: 765 994 0130ā€‹

Este grupo de apoyo de aproximadamente 75 minutos incluye una discusión y reflexión relacionadas con las Estrategias LiveWell. Aprenda nuevas habilidades para manejar mejor tu estado de ánimo, reducir los síntomas y las recaídas de la depresión y aumentar el bienestar en un grupo de apoyo de pares que "realmente lo entienden".


11am EST: LiveWell Strategy Group  (All adults welcome!)

Zoom meeting ID: 82246392788

This approximately 75-minute support group includes a LiveWell Strategy related discussion and reflection. Learn new skills for better managing your moods, reducing symptoms and relapses of depression, and increasing wellbeing in a supportive group of peers who "really get it."


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if LiveWell is right for ME?

 A LiveWell support group is right for you if you can identify with ANY of the below:


  • You seek new coping strategies for reducing depression, managing moods, and increasing wellbeing

  • You want to make meaningful connections with people who really "get it"

  • You experience mild to serious depression

  • You experience persistent and/or recurring episodes of depression

  • You experience co-occurring issues of depression, such as anxiety or substance use

  • You have a tendency to socially withdraw or isolate

  • You find it uncomfortable talking about depression or try to hide it from others

  • You're feeling well, but know the value of ongoing peer support for staying well

When a LiveWell group  is NOT right for you:

We do not provide emergency mental health support.  If you are in crisis, or afraid of harming yourself (or others), please call or text the Suicide Lifeline at 988, or go to the nearest emergency room.

Do I have to register or sign up?

No. LiveWell support groups are always open to the public. Just walk in or click on zoom link. 

Are the groups really free?

Yes!  (We're a volunteer-run nonprofit organization, so donations are always appreciated.)

Can I attend different groups on different days?

Yes. We know that many people want and need daily support from their peers and community.

How does LiveWell work?  

Brief descriptions of each support group are included in schedule above. Or read about the LiveWell Program here.

Won't it be depressing to go to a depression support group?

No; because we focus on solutions (rather than problems). In fact, people are often surprised to discover how positive and even uplifting the LiveWell groups can be!

Do I have to talk to people?

No one is ever required to speak, nor will they be prompted to do so.

Do I have to appear on video?

No. But if you choose not to appear on video, you will be prompted to at least say your name aloud, so we know there’s a real person on the other side. (No exceptions.)

How is confidentiality ensured?

All peers attend on a first-name-only basis; and commit to our group promise of confidentiality.

I don't have access to zoom, can I call in to a group on a phone?

Yes. If you’re calling from the US, dial 1 (646) 931-3860. If you’re calling from outside the US, find your local number here:

  • You will be asked to type in the zoom meeting ID (listed on the group schedule above), then press pound. When asked for a participant ID, just press pound.

  • Once you're let into the meeting, you will be muted by a facilitator. To mute and unmute yourself to contribute to the discussion, press *6


LiveWell Strategies®

LiveWell Strategies

LiveWell Principles of Peer Support

  • We aim to inspire and support all people with depression to live well

  • We believe in the power of all people to change and grow

  • We see the individual, and not a “depressed person”

  • We acknowledge and celebrate each other’s strengths

  • We expect each other to be kind and compassionate

  • We find comfort and strength in sharing experiences 

  • We know we cannot judge the quality or quantity of another person’s pain

  • We offer support rather than advice

  • We accept we cannot solve other people’s problems 

  • We embrace humor as a healthy coping strategy

  • We reject stigma and will not tolerate discrimination

  • We respect and maintain confidentiality at all times

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